2009 Chinese Zodiac for people born in Tiger years: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998.
If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Cow, not Tiger. (Verify Your Sign)
In 2008, Tiger people had a Travel Star connected with their career and wealth. There were good and bad in career and money luck. Some tiny Unlucky Stars appeared in health and love area. The general fortune of 2008 should be fair. There are more Unlucky Stars coming in 2009. The career luck is fair, but money luck will go south. Therefore Tiger people should pay more attentions on job position and money investment in the year of the Cow. Since Tiger and Cow have the hurting relationship, your people public relationship will be poor than last year.
Career: The Lucky Sun Star moves to your career area in year 2009. People around you will support and give you career guide or offer your career opportunity. Because the Sun Star is a male, therefore the person gives your major help will be a man. The sign shows that your boss or supervisor will appreciate your performance and give you more responsibility on assign you major tasks. Certainly, you should gasp this opportunity and fully go for it. However, there is one Unlucky Star coming in the same time, which will disturb your working emotion and obstruct your working progress. If you lose your confidence, cannot overcome the emotional impact, then you might lose this career opportunity and all your efforts will become futile.
Money: Tiger people don't have any Lucky Star related to money luck. Instead, there are two Unlucky Stars appearing in 2009. Therefore the money income is hard to reach your goal. One sign shows your expense will be more than before, you won't have too much left for saving. This tells you that every time you shop or purchase something, you have to make sure you really need the merchandise. The other sign shows someone might deceive your money investment. That means something might happen and force you to use your savings to pay for that event. Therefore, you shouldn't be greedy in any investment and don't do any risky business even with your close friends or relatives in the year of the Cow. Otherwise, your wealth will decrease a lot.
Love: No matter that you are single, in love or married, your love relationship is not bad in 2009, because there is a Love Star coming to you. If you are single, you have good chance to meet your companion, even develop a closer relationship. If you are in love, then your love relationship will become stronger and closer. If your partner is ready, then you might get married this year. If you are married, you will be giving and receiving the love more from your spouse. However, you need to keep the distance from the opposite sex outside to avoid misunderstanding.
Health: There is a tiny Unlucky Health Star around you in 2009. But it won't cause any serious disease. Tiger people should have a good health in the year of the Cow. Only some might have the pressure or obstacle from their job and feel gloomy or depressed. As long as you know how to relax yourself to reduce the stress and let alone unnecessary concern, you should have good energy and spirit entire year.
Fortune: The luck of Tiger people in the year of Cow is fair. The unlucky part is in the career and wealth area. So don't expect you will have high job performance or good financial achievement. In your career, since the Unlucky Stars attack on your weakness of the personality, if your can persist your determination, keep your humble attitude to face the challenge, then you will have a better chance to succeed. In the wealth, you need to plan your financial strategy in the beginning of the year. Then make sure to follow your plan to balance your budget. Otherwise, your monthly expense will exceed your income. Your should have good health during the entire year. You have excellent luck in love relationship in 2009. However, I shouldn't look for new relationship, if you already have your lover or spouse. This is because that new relationship might not last to the next year.
The above prediction of 2009 Chinese Horoscope for Tiger people is based on people's birthday. Using the birth year to tell people's fortune was far away before
Chin Dynasty (221 B.C.), which is the first Dynasty in China. During the
Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.), Chinese began to use birth year, month and day to predict the fortune. To add birth hour to study the fortune like today started in
Sung Dynasty (960 A.D.). The reason to make these changes is simple. It's more accurate. Therefore, for more accurate 2009 prediction, please go to 2009 Chinese Five Element Astrology.
2009 Chinese New Year The Life Rise and Fall Astrology Chart Free Chinese Daily Horoscope