Cow - 2017 Chinese Zodiac in Year of Chicken

Years of Cow : 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

Cow If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Rat, not Cow. (Verify Your Sign)

2017 is the year of the Chicken. Chicken is connected to fruits, harvest, autumn, jewelry, and precious gems. Chicken is also connected to the season of autumn. Autumn is the time of harvest. Chicken is also related to the time period between 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., which is dinner time. Therefore, Chicken is connected to food, fruit, and joyous times. Cow is connected to hills or mountains as they preserve the cold of winter. That implies Cow is hardworking, slow, calm, and very stubborn. Cow and Chicken together is like a joyful harvest time in the autumn.

Both Cow and Chicken are farm animals. They can get along well and share the same territory. Cow and Chicken can trust each other. Their friendship makes them perfect business partners.

Chicken pursues perfection, romance, and beauty. Chicken can teach Cow how to perform in public and how to capture people's attention. Chicken can act as your agent, spokesman, or surrogate. You will feel more relaxed and express your opinions in your circle.

In Chinese Five-Element Horoscopes, Cow is in the Earth group and Chicken is in the Metal group. Cow and Chicken have attraction relationship into Metal. Metal is related to jewelry or precious gems. Cow is also related to storage for Metal. That implies treasure is coming toward Cow's safe deposit box.

Chinese Zodiac Cow vs. 2017 Year of Chicken

CowChicken 2017 is the Year of Red Chicken. You were born in the Year of Cow. The following is the Red Chicken year prediction for people born in year of Cow.

When Cow meets Chicken, is time to harvest treasures and trophies and to bring them into storage.

Career: In Chinese astrology, Wood represents career to you. There is no Wood in Chicken. Therefore, we won't focus too much on your career's future. But you will have good social relationships in the cycle of Chicken. Being around the right people will bring you a good reputation. Everything will come as expected. As long as you can keep up your diligent and hardworking attitude, you will receive the rewards in the end.

Job Change: If you are planning to look for a new career challenge, then it is not a good idea during this time. Because harvest time is coming, you will need to rethink your timing. If a company has already offered you a job, you can consider accepting the position in the spring or summer.

Wealth: The money luck is excellent. In Chinese astrology, Chicken is Female Metal which is like jewelry or precious metals. Cow and Chicken together have attraction relationship into Metal. That means Chicken will bring many money opportunities to you. But these aren't windfall opportunities, as they all require your energy and time.

Love: Your love relationship is excellent. If you are single, then a good match will appear. Both of you will attract each other. You will have a very good and happy time. If you are looking for love, you should attend more social activities. If you are in love, then you will have a deeper relationship with your lover. It looks that you will spend too much time building your love relationship.

Social Circle: Your social relationships are great. You should attend more social events to meet new people. Don't give yourself excuses and be too conservative. Otherwise, you will lose opportunities in love, money and/or career development.

Quarrel: If you have an argument, dispute, or lawsuit with someone, then it's best to compromise with that person. Otherwise, the dispute will last for a long time.

Health: You should have a pleasurable mood most of the time. Your health should be in good condition. But you still need to do regular or at least annual physical examinations. If you get sick, it will last for a while.

Chicken is related to unhealthy air, tumor, and uneasily digestible foods. Therefore, pay attention to the stomach, spleen, throat, lungs, and the respiratory system.

General Fortune: Everything will go smoothly, and will bring you a good result. But you might be too conservative. You might be setting too many limits for your goal.