Chart Cycle Event Messages
The Astrology Birth Chart and Lucky Element window provides the cycle event messages inside the Major 10-year cycles and yearly cycles charts.
By clicking the Current Cycle Event button under Major 10-year cycles, the current 10-year major cycle event message will display.
By clicking on the grid item in the Age or Year rows of Major 10-year cycles, the selected 10-year cycle event message will display.
By clicking the Current Year Events button under Year to Come cycle, the current year cycle event message will display.
By clicking the Current Cycle Schedule button under Year to Come cycle, the current year cycle event schedule will popup.
By clicking on the grid item in the Age or Year rows of Year to Come cycle, the selected year cycle event message will display.
By clicking on the symbol in the Stem rows, the five element and its event will popup.
By clicking on the symbol in the Branch rows, the five element and its event will popup.