2012 Chinese Horoscope for people born in Chicken years: 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005.
If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Monkey, not Chicken. (Verify Your Sign)
Chicken and Dragon have an attraction relationship. According to Chinese astrology, Dragon contains mainly Earth. Chicken contains Metal. Earth is the Mother Element of Metal. Earth Dragon can cover and protect Metal Chicken. Therefore 2012 will be a wonderful year to Chicken people. The social activities, career opportunity, money luck, love relationship are all good. Chicken people can expect the prosperity of wealth, power of career, credit of reputation and happiness of love coming to them. But they still have to pay attention to their safety and health to prevent from accidents happening in the year of Dragon.
Career: Because of the attraction relationship between Dragon and Chicken, Dragon people will do well in career development. Also. there is a Lucky Dragon Star appearing in 2012. They can receive help from close friends, coworkers, mentors or their team leader. They can win people's trust and earn good reputation from clients. Many career opportunities are wide open for them, but Chicken people should not get dizzy with success and forget the people around them. If you show your arrogance, some people will be jealous or hurt and create obstacles for you. You might be pushed into a corner, be delayed, or stop your business achievements.
Money: Good career luck brings Dragon people a good and stable fixed income. But there is no windfall luck in 2012. Dragon people still need to work hard to earn more money. if you try on the gambling, lottery and risky investment, you still have the chance to suffer the money loss. Dragon people will increase much more income than last year. But the expense of Dragon people is growing too. Dragon people need a good financial management plan for budget, if they want to save more money to increase their wealth. Otherwise, money comes and goes. There is no guarantee that your money luck will continue for years to come.
Love: The social and love relationship of Dragon people is pretty good in 2012. If you are single and want to meet someone, then this is the best year to increase your social activities. The chance to find the right soul mate is very high. If you are in love, then this is a good time to try for a closer relationship, such as engagement or marriage. If you are married, you will feel you are enjoying the happiness and color of marriage life.
Health: There is an Adversity Star coming to Chicken people in health area. The problem might come from a chronic disease, or be related to the pressure, depression, anger, irritation or frustration. So Chicken people should reserve more time for rest and relax after work. Proper outdoor excise will help to maintain your health. If your health keep deteriorating from fatigue, then it will take much longer time to recover your energy. Therefore Chicken people need to watch their health, otherwise they will miss golden opportunities for career and money luck.
The above prediction of 2012 Chinese Horoscope for Rat people is based on people's birthday. Using the birth year to tell people's fortune was far away before
Chin Dynasty (221 B.C.), which is the first Dynasty in China. During the
Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.), Chinese began to use birth year, month and day to predict the fortune. To add birth hour to study the fortune like today started in
Sung Dynasty (960 A.D.). The reason to make these changes is simple. It's more accurate. Therefore, for more accurate 2012 prediction, please go to 2012 Chinese Five Element Astrology.
The Life Rise and Fall Astrology Chart Free Daily Chinese Horoscope