2012 Chinese Horoscope for people born in Pig years: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007.
If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Dog, not Pig. (Verify Your Sign)
Pig is a lucky animal in Chinese horoscope. Pig will becomes smarter in this Dragon year. The general luck for Pig people is fair in 2012. They will have a little career pressure . The money luck is up and down. The love relationship is pretty good. There are a couple of Lucky Stars coming toward Pig people. When Pig people encounter difficulties, obstacles or even misfortune, as long as you keep your optimistic, enterprising and positive mind, someone will appear to help you to overcome trouble. Dragon is an intelligent and spiritual animal. It's hard for Dragon to have any romantic relationship with other animal, except the Pig. If Pig people want to look for a closer love relationship, then the Dragon year is the time to try.
Career: The career luck for Pig people is fair in 2012. In Chinese astrology, Dragon contains mainly Earth and Pig contains Water. Earth can make Water disappear. So Water Pig is afraid of Earth Dragon. That implies Pig people will encounter some pressure from their jobs. There is a Moon Star appearing in the Year of Dragon. That's a good sign of people relationship. When Pig people face obstacles, someone will appear to help them. Pig people need to focus on their daily work and do not make any unforgiveable mistakes, otherwise your competitors will take advantage to ruin your reputation. Enhancing social networks will help your career development. Sharing your achievements with others will make your career path open wider.
Money: The money luck for Pig people is unstable. Money will come and go. First, Pig people need to slow down their investment and think twice before joining a new venture. You have money opportunities this year, but your wealth won't grow quickly. You must make sure you have a stable fixed income before spending time to make extra income. Because there is no windfall luck, if you want to save your money, then you still need to watch for your expenses. A good financial plan for your budget is recommended.
Love: There is a Romantic Star appearing in this year. If you are a single, then you can attend more social events, as the right person might be waiting for you out there. If you are in love, then it's about time to think about engagement or marriage, as you won't have the same opportunity next year. If you are married, you should be enjoying the happiness of a married life. However, you might have more chance to meet opposite sex outside. You need will have big trouble next year if you have someone disturbing your marriage life in the Dragon year.
The above prediction of 2012 Chinese Horoscope for Rat people is based on people's birthday. Using the birth year to tell people's fortune was far away before
Chin Dynasty (221 B.C.), which is the first Dynasty in China. During the
Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.), Chinese began to use birth year, month and day to predict the fortune. To add birth hour to study the fortune like today started in
Sung Dynasty (960 A.D.). The reason to make these changes is simple. It's more accurate. Therefore, for more accurate 2012 prediction, please go to 2012 Chinese Five Element Astrology.
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