2012 Chinese Horoscope for people born in Sheep years: 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003.
If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Horse, not Sheep. (Verify Your Sign)
In Chinese astrology, Dragon contains mainly Earth. Sheep contains mainly Earth. They are same kind; there is no conflict between Dragon and Sheep. There are more Lucky Stars than Unlucky Star coming for Sheep people. That means Sheep people will have good year in 2012. Sheep are gentle, elegant and shy animals and like people to pat them. In the Dragon year, Sheep people's friends and mentors will particularly care and show consideration to Sheep people. Therefore, Sheep people's social relationship, career opportunity, and money luck will be good. Dragon is an intelligent and spiritual animal. Most of the zodiac animals do not have a romantic mood with Dragon, so Sheep people won't gain too much improvement in the love relationship, because Dragon is the Lonely Star to Sheep people.
Career: Sheep people will spend more time with same generation friends. In the career development, Sheep people can make better business achievements if they work with their partners and coworkers. However, there is a Quarrel Star appearing in 2012. Therefore Sheep people need to respect the opinions of team members and should not have any arguments or disputes. As long as you remember to watch your words and behavior in the office, then people won't give you a negative or bad reputation. If you can do well with people relationships, people will treat you as a close team player. Then your job will be very easy in the year of Dragon.
Money: Since the appearance of Lucky and Happiness Stars, Sheep people should have a good money luck in 2012. Sheep people's career luck is good. They should be able to receive a stable fixed income. However, there is no windfall luck out there. Sheep people should not do any gambling, play the lottery, or partake in any risky investments. When social activities increase, Sheep people will have more expenses than last year. Because of this, Sheep people still need a financial plan to balance the budget. Otherwise, money will come and go in 2012. Because of the Quarrel Star, Sheep people should not borrow money from people or lend money to relatives.
Love: More people will care and show concern for Sheep people in 2012. The social relationship should be good for Sheep people. If you are single, you can attend more social activities and you will have lots of opportunities to meet new friends, If you are in love or married, then you need to pay attention to your relationship. You need to estimate and understand the current love situation; you cannot make too many requests from your lover or partner to satisfy what you want. Since the Lonely Star arrives in the Dragon year, then it's easy to have a disagreement between couples. This implies that it will be hard for you to have deeper love relationship in 2012.
Health: Sheep people's health will be fine in the the year of Dragon. As long as Sheep people eat properly, exercise regularly and rest enough, then they shouldn't have any major health problems. Because Dragon and Sheep are in Earth group of Five Elements, they just have to pay attention on intestine and stomach disease. If the intestine or stomach becomes an issue, your body will recover quickly, since the Happiness Star is always around in this Dragon year.
The above prediction of 2012 Chinese Horoscope for Rat people is based on people's birthday. Using the birth year to tell people's fortune was far away before
Chin Dynasty (221 B.C.), which is the first Dynasty in China. During the
Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.), Chinese began to use birth year, month and day to predict the fortune. To add birth hour to study the fortune like today started in
Sung Dynasty (960 A.D.). The reason to make these changes is simple. It's more accurate. Therefore, for more accurate 2012 prediction, please go to 2012 Chinese Five Element Astrology.
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