2013 Chinese Horoscope for people born in Pig years: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007.
2013 Chinese
Five Element Astrology - The Year of Black Snake
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If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Dog, not Pig. (Verify Your Sign)
Pig is a lucky animal in Chinese horoscope. Pig are kind of mild animal. They are not good at fighting. When seeing the Snake is coming, Pig will run away. According to Chinese Horoscopes Five-Element theory, Pig is in the Water group and Snake of 2013 is Fire. Fire and Water are opposite elements, They have fighting relationship, which implied Pig people won't have a peaceful year in 2013. Fire is related to money to Pig. The major activity in 2013 will connected to money and friends. 2013 is Water Snake year. Snake is Fire. Fire is under Water. That tell us that Snake won't make too much trouble to Pig people. But, remember some big Snake could swallow a small Pig. Therefore Pig people still need to watch the people relationship to prevent a money loss because of friends during the year of Snake.
Career: Pig and Snake have fighting relationship. This is the sign of disagreement or argument. That means the career path is not smooth and stable. There is a Travel Star appearing in the year of Snake. The Travel Star implies the busy schedule of your job position. So Pig people might have more workload than before. They might have to work extra hours or have to work out of town. A new job assignment required traveling or relocation are possible. If you complain it, then you won't be happy during working hours or someone else will take over your responsibility. Either you change a new boss or new company, the new position still keep you busy. The most important is that you need to be patient and not have any conflicts with people. Otherwise, the poor people relationship in the office will become an obstacle in your career development. Keeping a low profile is the key to have a peaceful career in 2013.
Money: Snake contains Fire, which is related to money to Pig people. Since Pig and Snake have fighting relationship. Pig people need to fight to earn the money into the pocket. Therefore, the money opportunity is there. It required the brain power, energy and time to win the money. In order to earn money easily, Pig people might ask friends to help. As a result, either Pig People need to share income with friends or most of money go to friend's pocket. if Pig people have dispute over the money with their friends. then they will ruin the good friendship. Pig people have better looking for well-known financial advice to do financial plan and money investment. As long as you are not greedy and not invest on risky business, you will bring in a satisfied income in 2013.
Love: There is no Romantic Star appearing in this Snake year. The social relationship is poor this year. Pig people shouldn't expect a good result in love relationship. The Travel Star in 2013 sometimes create a chance to trigger a good relationship. If you are single and looking for love, then you should spend more time for social activities. You might meet someone you like far away from your town. You might need to drive a little bit further to meet him or her. Or you might find someone special from internet social network. If you are lucky, then love will keep you busy. If you are already in love, then can reserve more time for dating. If you are married, then you can plan for travel to enjoy your love relationship. In April, October and December, Pig people have better luck in love relationship.
Health: Pig people might need to consume lots of brain power for their work or people relationship. That's a sign for Pig people to lose their focus when they are alone. They should should pay attention the safety while driving on the road. They should reserve more time for enough rest and relax after work. If Pig people are too busy for their job, money or love, then they have to learn how to manage their schedule well. If you ruin your health, then you might lose your opportunity on your career, wealth and relationship. 2013 is not a good year for Pig people. The simple way to have a better luck is to stay alert to prevent from accident and argument in the year of Snake.
The above prediction of 2013 Chinese Horoscope for Pig people is based on people's birthday. Using the birth year to tell people's fortune was far away before
Chin Dynasty (221 B.C.), which is the first Dynasty in China. During the
Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.), Chinese began to use birth year, month and day to predict the fortune. To add birth hour to study the fortune like today started in
Sung Dynasty (960 A.D.). The reason to make these changes is simple. It's more accurate. Therefore, for more accurate 2013 prediction, please go to 2013 Chinese Five Element Astrology.
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