2012 Chinese Horoscope for people born in Snake years: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001.
2013 Chinese
Five Element Astrology - The Year of Black Snake
New Year 15-Day Festivals
2014 Chinese Zodiac Signs for Year of
If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Dragon, not Snake. (Verify Your Sign)
There is taboo when a Snake meets another Snake from the yearly cycle. That means the year of Snake won't be a good year for Snake people. The sign of Chinese Horoscopes is that if a Snake is passing by a town with a local Snake tyrant in charge. If Snake people can keep quiet, then they will be safe and pass the town. If Snake people want to mess with or challenge the tyrant, then trouble will come to them during their journey.
That means Snake people will be under somebody's territory. Snake needs to pay in low-profile during 2013. Their people friendship, love relationship, money management or job competition might encounter a certain limitation during the Snake year. Also, one Injury Star arrives to Snake people in 2013. Snake people shouldn't neglect the health and safety of themselves. In short, Snake people should try not to make any mistakes. Do not expect any major prosperity in year of Snake.
Career: Snake is an animal without limb. When they are fighting, they use their mouths most. So the sign of Snake fighting is connected to argument, shouting, libel etc. Since the people relationship is poor in 2013, this will impact the career path in the working environment. The pressure from the boss or troubles from customers will often come to you. You might have to do extra work and spend extra time on your daily tasks. But if you follow the direction of the wind, you can save your position. In short, you need to be patient and not have any conflicts with people. Otherwise, it will become an obstacle in your career development, and may even bring you lawsuit. Keeping a low profile is the key to preventing humiliation.
Money: Although there is no bad money luck sign for Snake people in 2013. But you don't have good people relationship in 2013. If you have a good income opportunity, then your Snake enemy around you will come to steal that money opportunity. Or your Snake friend might induce you a high return investment, then ask your money for their gambling in business. Snake people cannot be too greedy in 2013. You just need good money plan to maintain your wealth. Otherwise, the dispute or lawsuit about the money might happen in the year of Snake. If you don't feel smoothly in the career, then you should avoid that money brings you another headache.
Love: There is no Romantic Star coming to Snake people in 2013. If you are single and look for love relationship, then April, June, August, September and October can bring you better chances. If you are in love, then you don't have to push for a deeper and closer relationship in the year of Snake. Since it's hard for Snake people to result in a good love relationship in 2013. If you try it, then it's possible that the love turns into a trouble.
Health: There is no major bad sign in the health area in 2013. But because of the pressure from career and money, Snake people may not have a long-lasting good mood in 2013. which could impact your health. Therefore, Snake people need to focus on their health. They need enough sleep and rest. They shouldn't miss regular meals. It's good idea to attend more social activities. There is an injury sign this year, so they should drive very carefully on the road and try to avoid dangerous sports.
The above prediction of 2013 Chinese Horoscope for Snake people is based on people's birthday. Using the birth year to tell people's fortune was far away before
Chin Dynasty (221 B.C.), which is the first Dynasty in China. During the
Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.), Chinese began to use birth year, month and day to predict the fortune. To add birth hour to study the fortune like today started in
Sung Dynasty (960 A.D.). The reason to make these changes is simple. It's more accurate. Therefore, for more accurate 2013 prediction, please go to 2013 Chinese Five Element Astrology.
The Life Rise and Fall Astrology Chart Free Daily Chinese Horoscope
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