Years of Tiger : 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998.
2016 Chinese Astrology - Year of Fire Monkey
2016 Chinese Zodiacs - Year of Red Monkey
2015 Chinese Five Element Astrology for Year of
All 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs for 2015 Goat Year
If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Cow, not Tiger. (Verify Your Sign)
Tiger is a carnivorous animal. Tiger is the predator to Sheep. It's easy for the Tiger to conquer the Sheep as its loot or property. This implies the money luck to Tiger people is great in 2015.
2015 is Wooden Sheep year. In Chinese Five Element theory, Tiger contains mainly Wood. Sheep contains mainly Earth. Wood of 2015 is the Friend Star to Tiger. Therefore, Tiger people will spend more time with their siblings, relatives, coworker or same generation friends. Earth of Sheep is connected to money. That means the money opportunity is coming toward Tiger people in 2015.
Sheep of 2015 also contains Wood. 2015 is a strong Wood Year. Tiger is in the Wood group. Therefore Tiger will have a stronger personality in 2015. This makes Tiger becoming domineering, imperious and arrogant. This is a bad sign for people relationship. If you don't learn how to humble, then your enemy might appear from behind, share your money opportunity and steal your wealth. In this case, your money fortune could become money loss.
Tiger people will have very good people relationship in 2015. Their social activities will be increased. If you are a single and looking for love, then this is a great year to meet someone you like. If you are a male and single, then you might fall in love soon. But you need to spend time to find her. She might not be around. You might need to travel to meet her.
Career: Tiger contains Wood. Sheep contains Earth, Fire and Wood. Tiger's Career Star is Metal. There is not Metal in 2015. That means there is no significant career event in 2015. If you are looking for a job, then you need a little bit patience to wait for the opportunity. If you have a job or business now, then your job won't bring the any pressure this year. Either you job is complicate or tedious, you will deliver your task under your own pace.
There is a sign of leadership to Tiger people. In order to improve and show your working ability, you should build good relationships with your coworkers and treat your subordinates well. You need to make sure your enemy is not around. So people around will totally support you.
The Earth of Sheep is the mother element of Metal. Earth has the potential to generate Metal, which is career. Tiger people still have the chance for job promotion. People born in Sheep year might help you to make this wish come true.
Money: Sheep of 2015 contains Earth, which represents money to Tiger. It's easy for a Tiger to catch a Sheep. We can say the money luck of Tiger people will be good in 2015. However, Wood of 2015 is connected to your friends or relatives. The Wooden Sheep year means the Sheep is under Wood - your friends or siblings. They are much close the Sheep (money). You need to use your wisdom to share the Sheep (money) with them. Therefore, the hidden competition and argument are around money opportunity.
There is a Little Exhausted Star appearing in 2015. That is a sign of little money loss. Tiger people might have to spend extra money in unexpected items, such as medicine, car repair, robbery, donation or investment. If you have good salary income this year and want to spend money, you can put it on something with appreciation value or put it on long-term investment to avoid short-term money loss.
Love: There is a Happy Star coming to Tiger people in 2015. That's a good sign for love relationship or happy event in the family. If you are a male and single, then you have better opportunity to meet an opposite sex you like. That opposite sex will your friend's friend. So you can attend more social activities to increase the change to find her. If you are in love, then you will have sweet love relationship. If you are marred, then an exciting and memorable event will be coming toward you.
Tiger people might give in many things in order to obtain or maintain the love relation. Love will bring down Tiger's domineer, dictatorship and arrogant. It's possible that Tiger people who is in love will move or live closer to their lover.
Health: There is no particular good or bad sign to Tiger people in 2015. Tiger people should have similar health condition as the previous year. Sometimes, you might feel fatigue while pursuit for your career and wealth. But you should be able to recover it pretty soon. In 2005, Tiger people just have to make sure to have enough rest and exercises. Also, Tiger people have better paying attention on intestine, stomach and digestion systems.
The above prediction of 2015 Chinese Zodiacs is based on people's birth year. Using the birth year to tell people's fortune was far away before
Chin Dynasty (221 B.C.), which is the first Dynasty in China. During the
Tang Dynasty (618 A.D.), Chinese began to use birth year, month and day to predict the fortune. To add birth hour to study the fortune like today started in
Sung Dynasty (960 A.D.). The reason to make these changes is simple. It's more accurate. Therefore, for more accurate 2015 prediction using birthday and time, please go to 2015 Chinese Five Element Astrology.
2016 Chinese Astrology - Year of Fire Monkey
2016 Chinese Zodiacs - Year of Red Monkey