If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Rat, not Cow. (Verify Your Sign)
Cow is connected to the hill or mountain preserving the cold of the winter.
That implies Cow is slow, calm and very stubborn.
Monkey is a very active, naughty, wily and vigilant animal.
Cow could stand the personality of Monkey.
Monkey is connected to the wind.
The mountain of Cow blocks the path of the wind.
Cow can teach Monkey to be patient.
Monkey can learn to have careful consideration instead of impulse or irritation from Cow.
Also, Cow can provide a stable and warm place for Monkey.
Cow is very diligent and responsible.
But Cow is too quiet and too inactive.
Monkey can push Cow to take more initiative actions.
Monkey can act as the agent or speaker of Cow for the social affairs.
With the active attitude, Monkey can help Cow to build the reputation. The ability and talent of Cow needs Monkey's recommendation to create the opportunity for career development.
Chinese Zodiac Cow vs. 2016 Year of Monkey
2016 is the Year of Red Monkey. You were born in the Year of Cow. The following is the Red Monkey year prediction for people born in year of Cow.
When Cow meets Monkey, it's time for Cow to stand up on the performance stage.
Career: It's time to put worries and concerns aside to accept the career challenge. People needs your knowledge and help to build their business opportunities. They provide a good working environment to for you to show your talent.
Job Change: If you want to apply a job in a different company, then that's a good idea to make the change. Your new position should give you better career development.
Wealth: The money opportunity is there. This is because you are building your reputation. But money won't come in to your door directly. You need to earn money using your brain and labor.
Love: Cow needs heat to warm up the cold heart. Monkey doesn't contain Fire and cannot offer love to Cow directly. But Monkey can help Cow to have more social activities. For better love relationship, Cow must reserve a space of love for its partner to build the relationship.
Social Circle: It's a good time to build your people relationship. To join more social networks and meet people to build friendships will help your career.
Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you will stand on the advantage position at the beginning. But that doesn't mean you will win in the end. The carelessness can fail you.
Health: Just keep exercising and pleasure mood regularly. That will give you better health. Pay attention on your stomach, intestine and the entire digestive system.
General Fortune: As long as you would stand out to prove your ability, the opportunity can bring you to anywhere, just like wind. If you are too conservative, then your achievement will be limited.
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