2018 is the Year of Brown Dog. Here is the 2018 prediction of Dog Horoscope. If your birthday is before February 4, then your zodiac sign is Chicken, not Dog. Your zodiac sign is from your Chinese Horoscope Birth Chart. All the following predictions are based on the Chinese Five Element relationships between Dog and Dog. Chinese Horoscope attributes different natural phenomena to the categories of the Five Elements. We interpret those connections in the material world.
That is a sign of jinx in Chinese horoscopes when a Dog meets another Dog.
That means people born in the year of Dog won't have good luck during any Dog years.
The scene is that if a Dog is passing by a land with a local Dog tyrant in charge.
If the traveling Dog can keep quiet, then it will be safe and pass the land.
If the traveling Dog wants to mess with or challenge the tyrant, then trouble will come to the traveling Dog during its journey.
Therefore, if you are the traveling Dog under somebody's territory, then you had better play low-profile during that journey.
You should realize that your people relationship, love relationship, money luck or job development could encounter a certain limitation in the cycle of the Dog.
The above is not complete true.
According to Chinese Yin Yang Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth) astrology, our astrology birth chart built by our birthday and birth time contains different amounts of Five Elements.
Imbalanced Five Elements will bring us bad luck.
Dog is in the Earth group.
Earth year will bring more Earth to you.
If you already have too much Earth in your astrology birth chart, then you won't do well during the Earth years.
If you have only a few Earth in your birth chart, then the Earth always brings you good luck.
Dog is Male Earth, which is connected to mountain or alpine.
Two dogs together are just as two mountains sit next to each other.
Water represents money to Dog.
Mountain can absorb rainwater very easily, then Water quickly run down to the bottom fo the mountain.
That implies you have difficulty to save the money.
The sign is money easily in and out.
Dog Month is October, the month before the winter.
Dog Hour is 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
That is the time after sunset.
When Sun disappears, people will turn on the light and prepare to take a rest.
Two dogs are connected to a mountain behind another mountain.
That is a sign of blockage and stop.
That is also a hint of taking rest and recharging energy.
Two Dogs together have same interest and same goal. But each has its own axe to grind. Unless a positive money opportunity is there, otherwise you had better be conservative. Don't be greedy, you will still have a satisfactory year.
Dog is Male Earth.
Water is afraid of Earth.
Water represents your money.
There is no Water inside the Dog.
That doesn't mean you don't have money luck.
Your money opportunity is short-term, unexpected or non-public trading.
Male Earth is the mountain.
When it rains, the mountain can absorb rainwater very quickly.
That implies it's easy to earn money when an opportunity comes.
Because the rainwater will flow down into the valley very quickly, you will quickly spend money very without savings.
Therefore, you need a good money management plan, and then you will have some saving.
Or you can invest money on the long-term items, such as real estate.
Two dogs have friendship, no love relationship. If you are single and look for a lover, then you will meet many competitors. That will be easier for you to look for person born in year of Rabbit, Horse, Tiger or Chicken. If you are in love, you need patience to keep the relationship. The true love relationship always needs time to prove it. If you are married, your marriage is calm and stable.
Wood presents your career.
Dog contains Male Earth, Female Fire and Female Metal.
There is no Wood inside the Dog.
Your career luck is fair.
A Dog meets another Dog is you find your gang.
If you have heavy workload in your job, then you will feel much easier in the cycle of the Dog.
This is because your colleagues and friends will guide you an easier way to complete the task.
If you have a very easy job now and you don't have too many assignments each day, then you have to pay attention to the security of your job position.
Or someone wants to take over your job position.
If you own a company and are very busy on the growing business, then you can ask the help from your business partner or alliance.
They will happily support your requests.
If you own a company and it doesn't run well now, then don't invest new business line or expand the size of the company.
You need to calmly think about the problem, rectify the mistakes, and then gradually trying new business approach.
Wood stands for your job. There is no Wood inside the Dog. Unless you are looking for a new job, otherwise you won't think about a new position. The progress to Look for a new job will be slow. You can try harder in February, March, April, July and November. If a company offers you a new position, you should stay at the current position if you don't have fully confidence. You can accept the challenge if you have strong Wood in your Chinese astrology birth chart.
Your social activities will be increase a lot. You will be busy to meet with your siblings, old friends, coworkers or same generation relatives. Therefore, your people relationship is quite good. When you are with them, you might talk about financial investment a lot. All of you are interested in money topics.
Dog is in the Earth group.
Two dogs together, then Earth will be too strong.
Anything related to Earth will impact your health.
Therefore, you should be mindful of the problem from your stomach and digestive system.
Don't have too much sugar on your diet.
Too much Earth, Earth can cover the Metal.
Therefore, you should pay attention to throat, lung, and respiratory system.
Strong Earth also can hurt the Wood.
In this situation, you should often go to lawn, parks, forests for outdoor exercise and fresh air.
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