TRW File One Bridge/Interface |
Enhanced the TRW Rate/Score
system to support the new data elements from File One Data Base and to provide the data
backward compatible features. |
TRW Rate/score
Criteria Macros |
Developed new macros to support
Rate/Score select criteria language. Those macros are Square Root, Exponential, Natural
logarithm, Relative day, Julian/Gregorian date conversion. |
Processing System |
A system for collecting premium
notices re-entry data by scanning the OCRA characters and MICR-encoding, endorsing,
audit-trailing the remittance on CHECKMATE microcomputer. |
Reconciliation System |
A system to audit the
outstanding, void, canceled and cleared transactions for the company bank check accounts. |
Postage Mailing
Control System |
Reformat the premium notices with
multiple policies and group the qualified Zip code together. |
Data Entry System |
Converted the system from UNIVAC
to FOUR PHASE minicomputer designed CICS & VISION interactive programs. |
Supplies Inventory
System |
assisted to develop an ONLINE
system for ordering office supplies throughout each department under minicomputer. |
System Cycle Flow
Chart |
Draw the flow chart by reading
production cycle JCL. |
Production Tuning |
- Established the JCL standard for the PROCLIB.
- enhanced the directory control in PANVALET.
- WYLBUR EXEC FILE (ISPF/CLIST) to set up production cycle
- JCL, program compilation and linkage JCL.
- eliminated the redundant sort. merge space save utility.
- SPACE allocation & BLKSIZE reorganization.
- backup and rerun job stream consideration.
System Maintenance
Cross-Reference |
- DSNAME and JOB name, PROC name, program name, DDNAME, DCB,
- JCL library name cross-reference.
- main programs and subprograms cross-reference.
- LIFE/70 macro and programs cross-reference.
- LIFE/70 copybook and programs cross-reference.
Move LIFE/70 From
3350 to 3380 |
- Convert all Life/70 BDAM, ISAM, DISAM files from
- 3350 to 3380 disk packs.
- MASS-COMPILER & MASS-LINKAGE utilities setup.