Chinese Palm Reading - Your Fate is in Your Hands
Palm Reading is also called Palmistry or Chiromancy (meaning hand prediction). It is an analysis of a person's hand to foretell the future and personalities. It has been used for centuries in different cultures, and there are many variations of the interpretation. This site's reading is based on Chinese origin.
Chinese Palm Reading is considered the most fundamental technique in Chinese fortunetelling. In the old days when a person's birthday is unavailable or inaccurate for horoscope analysis, a palm reading master can study the person's hand to foretell future and traits. The analysis is based on the lines and creases on the palm, and characteristics of the arm, hand, palm, finger, and fingernail. The study of Chinese palm reading can be dated back to three thousand years ago. Today, it remains a commonly used fortunetelling technique in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
Most people do not have identical lines and creases on their right and left palms. So, which hand should be used? In general, both hands have imbedded messages for you to uncover. However, to be more accurate in the reading, follow the special "age and gender rule" below:
Chinese Palmistry Main Index
Read Man's Palm
If you are less than 30 years old, use the left hand for primary reading and the right hand to supplement the analysis if needed. If you are more than 30 years old, do the opposite.
Read lady's Palm
If you are less than 30 years old, use the right hand for primary reading and the left hand to supplement the analysis if needed. If you are more than 30 years old, do the opposite.

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Posted and modified on September 6, 2023