Chinese Horoscope of Britney Spears Baby Boy |
The Chinese Astrology Life Balance Chart of the Celebrity |
The Five-Element Life Balance Chart of Sean Preston Spears Federline
Sean Preston, the son of Britney Spears and Keven Federline, was born on 09/14/2005 around 13:00 p.m. daylight savings time. Britney gave birth by Caesarean section at the Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center in California. |
Sean's Chinese Astrology Birth Chart
The birth hour is around 14:00 p.m. Standard time.
The Five Element Scores
The scores of Metal and Earth are too high, so they are both unlucky elements.
Water and Wood can help to balance the Five Elements; they are lucky
Wood represents Money to Sean. There are three Female Wood in the upper low of
the Birth Chart.
That means Sean will deal with money a lot in his life.
Sean Preston's Life Balance Chart shows that his
good luck is low from 2038 to 2057.
What will happen during the years between 2038 and 2057? The answer is in the
detail Chinese Astrology Birth Chart.
Sean's Chinese Astrology 10-God Birth Chart
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