Chinese Fortune Angel   New System Options

New system option to choose Winter Solstice as Astrological Year's Boundary.

To use Winter Solstice, around December 23rd each year, as the first day of Chinese astrological year is a newer astrology theory based on the more scientific astronomical concept. One Chinese astrology master promoted this theory in the early 1960. Some people follow this theory since then. But most of Chinese astrologers today still use the first day of Tiger month, around February 4th, as the first day of Chinese astrological year.

When you turn this option is on from the System Options window. The year's column in the birth chart will show differently from  Winter Solstice from the first day of Tiger Month.

For example, the following chart of 12-28-1984 shows Wooden Cow in the yearly column, because the Winter Solstice option is on.

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