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Chinese Fortune-Telling Calendar

Chinese Fortune-Telling Calendar The first software provides the correct data of Chinese fortune-telling calendar outside China time zones. This software can applied any location in the world, not only for USA or China by using the astronomical calendar. The software provides some Internet links to force the users to use the Internet and get more information from there.

If you study Chinese fortune-telling system and use the Chinese Calendar from China, Taiwan or Hong Kong. You will have 50% chance to get the wrong lunar days in USA time zones. If new moon day is on the different day between China and USA, the entire lunar month is totally different. Therefore we need this Chinese fortune-telling Calendar.

Time Zone Longitude New Moon Date & Time
China East 120 2-16-99 14:39 p.m.
EST (USA) West 75 2-16-99 01:39 p.m.
PST (USA) West 120 2-15-99 22:39 p.m.


Please Preview the software before placing your order

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Lucky Turtle

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