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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The Legend
Chinese Zodiac Year Cutoff
Yin Yang & 5 Elements
Career by 5 Elements
Is It Rat or Mouse

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Chinese Calendar Science and
In Chinese Calendar Science, the calendar years are described in 10
Heavenly (or Celestial) Stems 天干and 12 Earthly (or Terrestrial) Branches
地支. The combinations make 60 unique calendar years, and the 60-year
cycle repeats itself continuously. This calendar system is the
foundation of Chinese astrology, horoscope, and philosophy. The 12
zodiac animals are the representatives of the 12 Earthly Branches,
therefore the zodiac analysis is closely associated with all studies
that depend on Chinese Calendar Science.
10 Heavenly Stems (天干): 甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸
(These Chinese words are originally pictorial characters depicting and
describing natural phenomenal due to season changes, such as “tree
growing tall”, etc. They are later used as ordinal numbers 1 to 10, or
an equivalent of the alphabetic order of A to J).
12 Earthly Branches (地支): 子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥
(These Chinese words are also originally pictorial characters depicting
and describing natural phenomenal of the time changes. They can be
interchanged with their corresponding zodiac animals in tracking the
hour of the day.)
Zodiac Animal for
Month, Day and Hour
The zodiac animals were initially assigned to the hour of the day before
they were used in day, month and year as well. Note that in ancient
China, a day was divided to 12 time periods, each is equivalent to 2
hours nowadays. The Zodiac Animals are assigned to day, month and year
in the same order as the 12 time periods:
So if a person is born in the Year of Tiger,
he may have Dog for the birth Month, Snake for Day, and Rabbit for Hour.
It is said that he will have the traits and personalities resembling
Tiger, Dog, Snake and Rabbit. But overall at a glance, he will be
perceived as a Tiger, his most apparent traits.
To analyze the details of each attribute in addition to the associated
Yin-Yang and 5-Element factors, it can get very complicated. If you are
interested in getting a more accurate reading using Chinese Horoscope,
or in learning more about Chinese Calendar Science, go to
Fortune Calendar’s website.