Kua Number of Eastern-Four or Western-Four People
The first thing to learn Chinese Feng Shui is to know what your Feng Shui Flying Star, the Kua Number, is. We can tell your Feng Shui Kua Number by telling us your birthday.

Chinese Feng Shui Kua Number is from the Later Heaven Pa Kua (a.k.a., Post Heaven Ba Gua). Feng Shui groups Kua Numbers into two types, the Eastern Type and Western Type. Therefore, your Feng Shui Kua Number determines you are an Eastern-Four person or a Western-Four person. If your Feng Shui Kua numbers is 1, 3, 4, or 9, then you are in the Eastern group. If your Kua numbers is 2, 6, 7, or 8, then you are in the Western group.
The most basic theory of Feng Shui is Eastern-Four persons should live in Eastern-four Houses and the Western-Four persons should live in the Western-Four houses or rooms. You can find your Kua Number and the diagram of the Flying Stars from the following form.
- Enter Your Birthdate
- Select Time Zone, only if your birth month is February.
- Press Submit button to get your Kua Number
Your Feng Shui Type and Kua Number
Check Your House is the Eastern-Four or Western-Four House