Feng Shui Compatible Roommate
Feng Shui 103: Eastern Group People should live in the Eastern Type House. Western Group People should live in the Western Type House. Are you and your roommate in the same Feng Shui group? Is your spouse the same Feng Shui group person to you? Are you and your partner living the same Feng Shui Type house?

Feng Shui divides houses into two groups according to the orientations of the houses. The geographic direction of the house faces south, north, west, or northwest is the Eastern Four Type house. The geographic direction of the house faces southwest, southeast, northeast, or east is the Western Four Type house. The location of lucky places in the houses between Eastern Four houses and Western Four houses are complete opposite.
Feng Shui also distinguish people into two groups. One is Eastern Four group and the other is the Western Four group. According to the theory of Feng Shui, people of the Eastern group should live in the Eastern Four house and people of the Western group should live in the Western Four house. When people live in the right type of house, Feng Shui could bring them good airflow energy and people will have a harmonious feeling inside the house.
Therefore, you need to know is what Feng Shui group of person you are. If you are looking for a roommate, you should find a person of the same Feng Shui group. Thus both of you can live in the Feng Shui Type house. Also, if you want to have a good marriage life, then you had better find the same Feng Shui group person as your spouse.
The Feng Shu group of persons can be determined by the birth year. For accuracy, we want to use the Feng Shui Flying Star calendar to check your correct Feng Shui Flying Star Number. Our application in the following can tell what group of Feng Shui people you are by entering the birthday and timezone. It will return your Feng Shui group, Feng Shui Kua Number, and the lucky places in your house.
If you know want to live with someone on the same roof, you can ask for his or her birthday or birth year. Thus you will know his or her Feng Shui Kua Number. Since both of you are same Feng Shui group persons, then you can share the auspicious living room, family room, bedroom, or study room.
- Enter Your or Your Roommate's Birthdate
- Select Birthplace's Timezone, only if you were born in January or February.
- Press Submit button